Building Life Skills
that we all need in order to be successful

Job Jumpstart
We know that finding a new job can be stressful! So through our partnership with Cincinnati Works we’ll help you sharpen the skills needed to impress your future employer. Through this two-day workshop you’ll discover:
- Why a quality job application is so important
- How your personal presentation can make an impact so you stand out in a crowd
- Tips for building your resume
- Where you can go to find a job and who can help you
Participants who complete this workshop will receive a $50 gas card and access to work ready clothing along with one-on-one coaching from a Care Center Job Coach. Childcare is provided upon request.
High School Equivalency
Want to get your High School Equivalency or GED? Need to remediate for the UC Clermont College placement test or for the Accuplacer test for other Community Colleges? Join Our FREE Adult High School Equivalency Classes provided by Great Oaks on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30am-12pm. You can move at your own pace while also receiving instruction from an on-site Great Oaks teacher. Childcare is provided upon request.
Free English classes are available on-site at the Care Center in partnership with Great Oaks on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30am-12pm. This program is for adults who wish to improve and practice speaking, reading, listening and writing skills at a level that is right for them. Before starting ESOL, students must complete a registration session with Great Oaks. In addition, we also offer an ESOL Conversation workshop on Tuesday nights from 6:30-8pm.
Computer Lab
Our state of the art computer lab offers open lab times and hands on assistance in building computer skills. It’s also available throughout the week by appointment for job search and online applications.
Tried & True™ Parenting Workshop
What do I do when my toddler throws himself down on the ground and screams?
How do I get my school aged daughter to do homework when she refuses?
What if my teenager goes out even though he is grounded?
Tried & True™ can help with all of these issues and more. Grounded in the Common Sense Parenting® model and proven by research, these easy-to-learn and apply techniques offer positive, lasting results across all ages, from toddlers to teens. These are interactive classes using instruction, modeling, video, group activities and more. Childcare is provided upon request.
Money Smart Workshop
The Money Smart Workshop will help people of all ages enhance their financial skills and manage your money with confidence. In this 4-week interactive workshop you’ll explore:
- Tips and tricks to track your expenses.
- Your personal goals and small steps you can take to achieve them.
- Credit reports and credit scores, building your credit history, and repairing/improving credit.
- Who to pay next and who to leave behind.
- Savings for emergencies and disasters.
Learn how you can change your current reality and experience more financial freedom! Dinner and childcare are provided and you’ll earn incentives as you complete tasks.
Computer Workshops
Build the basic skills that you’ll need when using a computer and prepare for future learnings through our Computer Essentials workshop. You’ll move at your own pace through a series of tutorials while also being assisted by an onsite mentor. Topics include basic computer skills.
In addition, get an introduction to the Microsoft Office software through a 4-week hands on, instructor lead workshop. Topics include an introduction to MS Word and Excel, each 2 weeks.
In both of these workshops you’ll earn incentives as you complete tasks