Getting Back To Work
and discovering better job opportunities
Getting Back
to Work
and discovering better job opportunities

Launch Your New Career!
Care Center and CityLink Center are teaming up to offer training for local in-demand industries. Each of these trainings include certifications and employment connections:
- Auto Tech. Set the foundation for a career as an Auto Technician as you learn the skills and get hands on experience through this 4-week training program provided by Changing Gears.
- Construction Training. Learn the skills and earn the industry certifications necessary to begin a career in construction through a 4-week training program facilitated by Habitat for Humanity.
- Culinary Training. Get hands on training from a world class, professional chef through a 4-week training program. A ServSafe certification is also provided.
- IT Support. Begin your IT Support career learning the fundamentals through hands-on instruction through the Per Scholas 12-week training program. .
- Medical Industry Trainings. Launch your career as a Phlebotomist through a 6-week training program, a Patient Care Assistant through a 3-week training program or a Medical Assistant through a 16-week training program.
There is no cost to you and the Care Center will also provide transportation to the CityLink Center. Get started today with a 5-minute phone call!
We know that finding a new job today is full of complications and sometimes it’s hard to know where to even start. So through our partnership with Cincinnati Works we’ll help you get started and sharpen the skills needed to impress your future employer. Workshops are offered weekly on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays around topics like:
- How your personal presentation can make an impact so you stand out in a crowd
- Tips for building your resume
- Jobs that are a good fit for your skills and personality
- Where you can go to find a job and who can help you
- Success when starting a new job
Participants who complete this workshop will receive a $50 gas card along with access to work ready clothing and a haircut, the opportunity to apply for permanent transportation through Wheels, and one-on-one coaching from a Care Center Job Coach.
Job Coaching
A Job Coach can support you as you look to get back to the workforce by aiding in job search, resume building, interview skills and navigating the workplace. We’ll walk alongside you with the goal of helping you keep one job for one year, encouraging you to set goals and overcome the barriers to employment.
Roots Staffing
Start working right away in the Manufacturing/Warehouse Industry! Roots model is “temp to hire” where you’ll work at a job site for your first 90 days as one of Roots’ employees. The goal is that after 90 days, you receive an offer for permanent, full-time employment with that company. Various positions are available and to apply visit
Dress for Success StyleHer
Dress for Success is on-site on Tuesdays and Thursdays to offer styling services for your upcoming interview as well as services when you land the job. During your styling appointment for your upcoming interview, you will receive one fabulous outfit, complete with shoes, accessories and a handbag. Once you are offered the job, you can return and be styled with 10 new pieces to start your new career in!
Most of the clothing in our StyleHer Studio comes from women who donate with the desire to help another woman succeed.
Wheels knows what it’s like try to get back to work or find a better job without a car. In this day and age, it’s difficult, almost impossible, to live in Cincinnati without a vehicle. Wheels is a volunteer team dedicated to helping meet the transportation needs of people in our community. The team reconditions donated vehicles and passes them on to qualified recipients in partnership with The Care Center with the goal of empowering people into employment.